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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves
Is there anything about your child that drives you absolutely batty?  I can’t be the only one with pet peeves. Despite all of our other struggles, just some of the things kids do are like daily exercises to increase our tolerance level. 
One of the things that drives me absolutely insane is goofy faces.  Not in joking or playing times, I’m all down with playing around and laughing.  However, something about saying “Okay well take your shower, and when you get out…” and as I turn to face him I see this goofy, unbelievably dorky face, and it just irritates the heck out of me!  I mean eyes crossed, tongue out, nose scrunched… yeah it is lovely!
I mean there are other things… going to go pee and finding one of my sweet boys has used my bathroom (Yes, the bathroom in the master bath is mine, too many men use the front bathroom, so I have my own!).  Yet, somehow they forget this is mommy’s bathroom and use it, pee on the seat, and then leave it. Or perhaps it’s some scheme they have planned out to sabotage me? I wonder sometimes! J
Others, half full glasses of juice or milk, being left on the counter or table. Then “Wasn’t me” and “Not mine” (what I call the ghosts that apparently do the things my kids would not do, of course!) strike again.  Where did that glass mysteriously appear from?  It must be the ghosts!
Trash, on the floor… inches away from the trash can.  Really?  Is it that hard for your young, able body to bend over and try again?  Apparently it is!  But I surely just saw you bouncing on the couch, so maybe that strenuous activity wore you out so much that you truly are as tired as you are claiming to be when I ask you to pick it up!
Flooding the bathroom floor…  A requirement to taking a bath, does not include creating a tidal wave, really!  It doesn’t help rinse the soap off, it doesn’t help clean the tub, but maybe it does encourage mom to clean the floor more frequently.
“MOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!’ being screamed from the other room.  When I say “WHAT?” no reply… then “MOMMMMMMM!” screamed again. Dag nabit if I can hear you calling me, you can’t very well say you can’t hear me!  Though daddy is equally guilty of this!
Private time, I mean bathroom time. There must be some ingrained thing in the mind of little children that says
“mom’s in the bathroom, must get her attention, now!  If door is shut, open it! If said door is locked, insert persistent knocking (keep knocking!), until acknowledged. If no one answers, KNOCK LOUDER!"
Or there is always the splendid “I will wage war with my brother the second you get on the phone…” Thank goodness for texting, because the second I start talking to someone else, all sanity flies out the window! 
I love my kids so much, I really do!  So, what are some of your pet peeves?

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